Sunday 19 December 2010

Coming up–Springy! 1.4, 1.5, & 1.6

It’s been a little while right guys? Well don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you all! Christmas is here, and I’ve had some free time to polish up Springy! at bit.

First up is Springy! 1.4, which includes bug fixes, performance improvements, new features and a new basic theme, improved touch targets, and improved touch aware responses. You’ll love it (: It’s currently in testing now at Microsoft, and should be on the marketplace in a couple of days.

Next up is Springy! 1.5 – this is actually done – complete, ready to go. It features only 3 changes from 1.4, but they’re still worth a release. First up is to a fix a colouring bug with the new feature introduced in 1.4, when using light theme on the phone. Slipped past me in testing, and unfortunately, Microsoft doesn’t let you cancel submissions that have already gone into testing, sooo it’s coming up in the next build.
But there’s more to 1.5 than that, there’s also a nice UI change to improve usability and readability on the profile pages, and a new basic theme, based on one of the old rejected designs. This’ll be put up for testing straight after 1.4 gets approved, so should be pushed to you sometime this week.

And that just leaves Springy! 1.6. What’s going to change in that you ask? Performance. Springy! is already considered one of the smoothest, and fastest Windows Phone 7 apps on the marketplace, but for me as a developer all I can see is massive performance pit holes, and skipping animations. The goal of Springy! 1.6 is to get much improved performance, especially when downloading additional questions/answers and when reloading the inbox after deleting/answering a question. Animation will also be worked on to be perfectly, consistently smooth through the application, no matter how visually complex a page gets. It’s going to be awesome Winking smile
And what else? Improved themes. At the moment, I call themes “Basic Themes”. They're simple, and sparsely animated. New themes will be greatly animated and dynamic, and far more gorgeous looking, without being distracting. It’s going to be a big update. When can you expect it? No idea. Anytime between now and next year maybe (: